Case Studies of Visibility Service

Number of companies used:​Around 220 companies *Companies used for “basic transport searches” are not included in the count. Number of user IDs:Around 900 IDs Number of web access per month:Around 98,000 times *As of August 2020

Case (1): Company A​

The company visualizes transport information relating to different modes of transport (sea and truck) and global inventory (warehouses and transportation) at the three hubs in Europe, Hong Kong, and North America. The visualization delivers support for demand fluctuations, deterrence of surplus inventory for sale, and optimization of inventory volume by making common inventories.
The distribution costs could be reduced by about 20% and inventories could be saved by about 50% by logistics reforms through the distribution work entrusted from the three hubs and introducing Visibility Service.

Visibility of transport status and transport inventory. Visibility of inventory (Centralization of stored inventory)​

Case (2): Company B​

The company uses Visibility Service from its headquarters (in Japan) to monitor the inventory status of its Thai factory. Each business unit monitors the amount of its inventory that consists of long-term, stagnant inventory items, as well as the costs (storage fees) incurred. The company implements measures to optimize its inventory, including sharing stagnant inventory item statuses among the relevant personnel, thus making the company more active, as well as eliminating waste. As a result, some business divisions are able to shrink their inventory by around 50% and save on costs.

The headquarters monitors conditions in the overseas warehouse and provides clear instructions on how to optimize inventory. The CC business unit has managed to achieve an overall reduction in long-term stagnant inventory items by 30%. This shows how the company should proceed.​
Visibility of Inside Warehouse (Management of Long-Term Stagnant Inventory Items)​

Case (3): Company C

The company made the centralizing of management for documents acquired by the importer (SHIPPING ADVICE) possible through Visibility Service. A secure environment, where important documents may be acquired only by those who are authorized, was created, improving quality. Previously the company communicated through email, which made management complicated, however Visibility Service provided central management, saving labor costs.

Document management through which personnel can acquire only what they require, and only when it is needed, in a secure environment​